Part II: More Than a Career, It’s an Adventure!

With over 25 offices across the globe, we’ve had colleagues raise their hands to traveling abroad or relocating to new cities. Below are just a few of the many AvePointers that have leaped into their international experiences and called a new city (or cities) their home!
Timothy Boettcher, SVP of Strategic Accounts and Solutions
Office locations: Australia, Singapore, Tokyo, Arlington
“AvePoint is a company that strongly embraces its global foundations. Through working here, I’ve had the opportunity to relocate from my home in Australia to various branches around the world over the last seven years. This started with Singapore, then Tokyo, and now Washington D.C. And this doesn’t account for all the other local and international regions I’ve supported and worked with during my time here!
I believe AvePoint has a unique global culture where each office is free to maintain their own cultural style while still sharing AvePoint’s core DNA. It’s been absolutely amazing to live and experience different places abroad, all while never feeling alone or isolated because I can always count on the AvePoint crew wherever I go. Being able to appreciate diverse working norms and learn how to adapt between time zones, cultures, and even languages has been an invaluable experience.”
Julia Fitzmaier, VP of Customer Success
Office Locations: Jersey City, Atlanta, London, and The Hague
“I’ve had the opportunity to relocate to multiple offices during my almost 9 years with AvePoint. These have all been life changing experiences, and I believe our core value, agility resonates best with my experience.
Change is difficult, but when you uproot your entire life, it challenges your ability to adapt and manage unknown situations. In my first relocation to Atlanta, my husband and I thought we’d make the city our long-term home after purchasing a house and getting married. However, a month after our wedding, we packed up and relocated back to Jersey City for a new opportunity within the company. A year later, an opportunity in the London office presented itself. This was a big move and left me asking many questions such as, ‘What belongings do we bring? How would our family manage across the Atlantic? How would our two dogs manage airplane travel?’ I also knew there would be unknown factors I couldn’t answer. We enjoyed London, travelled across Europe, and had our son, Dylan. We learned a whole new medical system that was very different than what we were accustomed to.
After the birth of Dylan, we knew we wanted to stay in Europe, but within a smaller city, and we determined The Hague, Netherlands was the best option for our family. We encountered new challenges, but have become well-acquainted with uncomfortable situations.
Through all of this, the one commonality was the hospitality we experienced within each AvePoint office. Employees were always welcoming and willing to help where needed. AvePoint has offered me a wealth of experience, and I look forward to raising both of my children in the Netherlands.”
Joanne Chang, APAC Marketing Manager
Office locations: Beijing & Melbourne
“I joined the AvePoint Beijing team back in 2013 as a Marketing Coordinator supporting the APAC region and worked very closely with the Australian team. It was during that time that I realized that marketing was the career I wanted to pursue long term. I moved to Melbourne in 2015 to study Marketing Communications at the University of Melbourne. During my two-year study, I connected with colleagues in Melbourne and was very fortunate to join the team after I graduated in 2017.
My experience working in both the Beijing and Melbourne offices has helped me build trust and rapport with team members from different cultural and functional backgrounds. I’ve been given the opportunity to bring different teams and resources in APAC together to contribute on various marketing campaigns, bridge communication gaps and collaborate more effectively.”
Steven Zhang, Director ACS Delivery
Office locations: Beijing & Melbourne
“I started my career in the Beijing office as a technical support engineer and eventually moved into a management role. I was then selected to go to Australia for a 3-month business trip in 2014, during which I had the opportunity to travel to different cities within Australia to visit customers onsite. This was such a fun experience that I permanently moved to Melbourne in 2015 and found the transition quite easy. Our workplace culture is super inclusive, and we have great local team-building activities. Melbourne is a wonderful place to live, and a place where you can enjoy coffee, explore international cuisine and hike the mountains!”
At AvePoint, opportunities for international travel continue to present themselves for dedicated and hardworking colleagues. Are you interested in new job opportunity? Check out our roles on our careers page and apply today!
Melissa Fingerhut's journey with AvePoint began in 2013. As the leader of global talent acquisition, she has dedicated her career to mastering the art of recruiting in the tech industry. Melissa takes pride in helping AvePoint discover exceptional talent and expand their horizons.