Top 5 Public Sector Blog Posts of 2022

Post Date: 12/27/2022
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As we continue our series looking at the most popular AvePoint blogs of 2022, today we’ll dive into the Public Sector.  

Missed our other top blogs of 2022 roundups? Catch up on Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365, Backup, and Information Management & Governance today.  

There was plenty to talk about when it came to secure digital collaboration in the Public Sector: From FedRAMP authorizations to Zero Trust, here are the five most popular public sector blog posts of 2022.  

  1. 5 Collaboration Musts to Meet Federal Zero Trust Mandates in M365

zero trust strategy

Today’s cybersecurity and IT teams within the U.S. government must grapple with how to align flexible work models with the continued protection of the nation’s missions. If your organization isn’t taking proactive steps to combat increasingly sophisticated and persistent cyber threats and build more resilient defenses, you are leaving the data within your digital collaboration workspaces vulnerable.

It’s critical for agencies to review their security model and move toward a more modern choice like Zero Trust, even within open collaboration platforms like Microsoft 365. We shared five steps you can take today to implement Zero Trust for Microsoft 365 collaboration.  

Read the blog post  

  1. AvePoint’s FedRAMP Authorization Expands to 6 More Solutions


To safely collaborate and conduct business in a hybrid world, a suite of purpose-driven solutions is necessary. This is often done through cloud-based solutions. For federal agencies, the stakes are higher: The cloud products or services they deploy require approval from the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). We shared the news about our expended set of government focused cloud solutions for backup, migration, and more that now are FedRAMP authorized.  

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  1. How Sensitivity Labels Help Agencies Meet Federal Zero Trust Standards

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As more organizations use collaboration tools – in fact, a recent Gartner survey showed a 44% increase in workers’ use of collaboration tools since 2019 – and more sensitive information is shared digitally, federal agencies’ security models must adopt new strategies to prevent oversharing and ensure your confidential content is protected from unauthorized access, whether external or internal. We covered how sensitivity labels can help you meet Federal Zero Trust Architecture standards.  

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  1. How to Align M365 Collaboration With Your Agency’s Zero Trust Architecture

two men looking at a computer screen

As hybrid work becomes the norm, cybersecurity and IT teams must align recently adopted flexible work models to elevate the protection of their organization’s data. Constant threats like cybercrime, ransomware, and overexposed data make it critical for agencies to review their security model and move toward a more modern choice like Zero Trust.

We explored what Zero Trust Architecture is, why you need it, and why you should consider the workspace to be the sixth pillar of Zero Trust.  

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  1. How to Enable Delegated Administration in the Context of Zero Trust

delegated administration

Despite agencies’ continued efforts to align their security plans and Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)something required per the Federal Government’s memo M-22-09we have seen less progress in the execution of those strategies. This particularly holds true for large, centralized tenants that combine previously segregated departments and offices.

Security teams would like to implement a least-privileged model to meet ZTA standards, but due to agency consolidation, they can either grant each entity access to the entire tenant or lockdown admin rights, burdening IT with managing every aspect of every department.

Sounds like a lose-lose situation – but in this post we discuss a third option: how delegated administration can help you align to ZTA without adding more work to IT teams.   

Read the blog post  

Learn how you can secure Microsoft 365 Collaboration with a Zero Trust framework with AvePoint today. 

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Sherian Batallones is a Content Marketing Specialist at AvePoint, covering AvePoint and Microsoft solutions, including SaaS management, governance, backup, and data management. She believes organizations can scale their cloud management, collaboration, and security by finding the right digital transformation technology and partner.

View all posts by Sherian Batallones

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