Taking place from November 18-20 in Melbourne, Australia, Share Conference is billed as “a conference where non-technical SharePoint conversations happen.” The event will gather attendees interested in discussing the business side SharePoint and effectively using the platform for knowledge management, collaboration, marketing and communications, web and intranet, content management, and much more. AvePoint is a proud Gold Partner in this year’s event.
Attendees are encouraged to stop by booth G3 throughout the event, where our experts will be on hand to answer any questions and demonstrate our latest products and solutions that help organisations worldwide maximise the business value of their SharePoint deployments.
At 3:35pm on Monday, November 18, Garth Luke – AvePoint Senior Vice President, Global Business Development, ANZ, Africa, California – will present a session entitled “Collaboration Gone Wild: Validating Your Compliance Posture”. In advance of the event, we caught up with Garth for some details on what to expect from his session and why he’s excited about the event:
1. The topic you’re presenting on at SHARE Conference is “Collaboration Gone Wild: Validating Your Compliance Posture”. Why do you feel this an important topic for the audience at this year’s event?
Garth Luke: The ever increasing use of SharePoint in the market place, and its ability facilitate collaboration is exposes organisations to a new set of risks that may not have been thought about in the past. Combined with the global movement around the need for compliance with a raft of new regulatory requirements, I think that my topic would be relevant to any organisation.
2. What are some of the major challenges organizations in Australia are facing around compliance?
GL: Some of the major challenges would include conformance to the privacy act amendments that will be in effect this coming March. Organisations will need to have a good understanding of how they collect private information and ensure that they have appropriate controls in place for managing this type of information. Also, although it has not passed through the Senate as yet, it is likely that the Mandatory Data Breach Notification bill will be tabled early next year and is likely to be passed. This may become a big driver for ensuring that private information is appropriately managed, but even without this bill being passed, organisations need to ask themselves “how much reputational loss due to a data breach can I afford?” This is a highly discussed topic in the media, and a data breach can have massive impacts on organisational revenue streams following data breaches.
3. If attendees leave your presentation with at least one takeaway, what do you want it to be?
GL: A good understanding on the action that needs to be taken to ensure your organisation is protecting its data assets in a way that matches their business requirements.
4. Aside from your presentation, what else are you looking forward to at this year’s event?
GL: I am looking forward to connecting with people in the community that I haven’t seen in a while. It is always a friendly community and it is great to share with all attending.