#MSIgnite 2019 CliffNotes: Bill Bliss on Boosting Trust in Microsoft Teams Apps

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Read the rest of our Microsoft Ignite 2019 coverage:
- Satya’s Tech Intensity Keynote Highlights
- The New Features Coming to Yammer!
- Bill Bliss on Microsoft Teams Architecture
- Jeff Teper on the Latest Workplace Innovations
- Dux Raymond Sy on Generational Diversity in the Modern Workplace
- Loryan Strant on Avoiding Office 365 Icebergs
- An Introduction to Yammer’s New Native Mode
- Office 365 Groups and Yammer Collaboration Tips
- The Structure of Private Channels in Microsoft Teams
- Tony Redmond on Microsoft Teams vs. Outlook
- 3 Ways Microsoft Teams Facilitates Inclusivity
When developing apps for Microsoft Teams, Microsoft understood that there were four components to the platform: Flywheel, the developers building the apps, enterprise decision-makers enabling users with apps, and the end-users who needed to be discovering and using the apps. All pieces needed to move as one; if not, everything will come to a screeching halt.
With the app store in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft discovered that a lot of large enterprises disabled apps so each can be reviewed before they’re implemented. This was a time-consuming process that would take companies anywhere from eight to twelve weeks to complete the outreach to the vendor and conduct security and privacy reviews for every individual application.
Microsoft wanted to help cut down this lengthy process and help expedite the adoption of these apps in Microsoft Teams. They knew they could help increase trust between the developers and enterprise decision-makers to help the platform flywheel run smoothly.
Check out how Microsoft is working to improve app safety in Teams: Click To TweetMicrosoft announced the launch of its Microsoft 365 Certification Program this week that’s now being piloted for Teams and beyond. The Microsoft 365 App Certification program offers assurance and confidence to enterprise organizations that their data and privacy are adequately protected when third-party apps are introduced to the Microsoft 365 platform.
After surveying many customers and talking with their own internal IT department, they came up with a list of questions and requirements for this certification program. Microsoft Teams Platform Architect Bill Bliss took the time to break down each during the session.
In the Publish Attestation tier, Microsoft makes the information each developer provides accessible in a consistent format and from a single location. It’s also incredibly thorough with the answers to approximately 150 questions.
For the Certification tier, they verify many different security tests and standards like penetration tests, patch management, GDPR, ISO Compliance, and more.
They’ve also integrated this certification program into the Microsoft Teams admin console so you can see which apps have completed the program and what tier others are at in it.
As of now, three apps have made it to the Certification tier: Adobe Sign, Dynamic Signal, and Wrike. There are many applications in the Publisher Attested phase, including AvePoint! See a complete list here:
Information on this program is also available in AppSource. In it, you’ll see a “Microsoft 365 certified” badge under each developer’s name which you can click on for more information. Microsoft is also working on an integration with Partner Center so developers can submit all the info needed for these certifications when they submit their app.
Microsoft understands that security is paramount when it comes to introducing new apps. They created this new certification program to help increase the adoption of these apps and take some of the workload off IT Teams while not compromising on security standards.
To learn more about this program in general, go to aka.ms/AppCertification. For developers, go to aka.ms/AppCertificationDevInfo. And to watch the full live recording of this session, click here!