Information Managers: How You Can Benefit from a Risk and Value Framework

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To ensure compliance, information managers can ease the burden on end users by creating a risk-value framework upon which records management policies are implemented.
Back when everything was physical, it was easy to manage each piece of content individually because the volume could be controlled. Nowadays, with information growing exponentially, it’s practically impossible to have the same level of oversight as the sheer volume of data is too great.
A risk-value framework helps information managers assess which content is the most valuable, and at the same time, presents the most risk. An example of this might be documents that contain personal or sensitive information, or information that is valuable commercially. This kind information is usually easily identified as it is the information that needs to be kept for the longest period of time. This guides the information manager on where to dedicate their resources.
On average, 80 percent of time should be spent managing the information that is the highest risk and most valuable. This in turn, allows the information manager to determine where end user input should be required. Information that’s low risk and low value should have the least end user oversight. Conversely, high risk, high-value content may require more input from the end user.
If you want to learn more about records management in Office 365, check out our free eBook, “Best Practices Guide: Records Management for the Digital Era.”
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As the former Content Marketing Specialist for AvePoint, Brent led the strategy and direction of all AvePoint's blog properties.