Story of My Life: Stephanie, Technical Escalation Manager

Post Date: 09/27/2022
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What’s your story at AvePoint? How have you progressed within your career here?

I’m currently a Technical Escalation Manager as well as a Team Lead in Support. I joined the AvePoint team three years ago as a Support Analyst and moved my way up in Support. As a Support Analyst, I pushed myself hard to follow the internal procedures and learn the products so I got promoted to a Tier 2 Support Engineer. I then started to handle escalations since I enjoy solving complex issues and comforting people. It’s so satisfying when you make a frustrated customer happy.

What advice would you give to future new hires?

Keep pushing yourself and try to lab/study after work if you feel like you’re behind. You can feel overwhelmed at the beginning since you have to learn all the major products in a short period of time. However, the team is always here to help and there is no stupid question so feel free to ask if you need anything.

Start to work on MS900/AZ900 since AvePoint does the reimbursement and they are beneficial to your career.

What do you like most about your job?

I love the great people we have here in AvePoint. It’s easy to work with colleagues within Support and from other departments since they can be easily reached by a Teams ping and everyone is always willing to help.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like listening to music, watching movies, and fishing with my friends. I’m pretty open to all kinds of music and I’m always willing to make new friends and go out for fishing. Work-life balance is important so shoot me a ping if you are interested in this and let’s go fishing together. 😊

What does leadership mean to you?

I don’t like micromanagement so as a Team Lead, I try to make myself available whenever my colleagues need help, either within or outside of Support. I’m here to help and guide our team members to ensure that they can have the opportunity to sharpen their skill sets and develop professionally.

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

Music. It’s my way to relax when I get stressed. As a Technical Escalation Manager, I’m dealing with all kinds of frustrated customers on a daily basis. I would take a short break and listen to music if I feel overwhelmed to get through it.

Tell us three things most people don’t know about you.

    1. I was born and raised in Beijing, China.
    2. I started to play piano when I was four years old.
    3. I graduated from Ohio State University, and my major was Accounting. I then realized that I enjoy working on tech-related projects more, so I changed to an Engineering major for my Master’s.
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