Data Security Best Practices for Copilot for Microsoft 365

In today’s digital workplace, organizations are leveraging AI tools like Copilot for Microsoft 365 to revolutionize the way they work. However, data is an...

Manage and Secure Modern External Collaboration at Scale with AvePoint Confide

Digital security is top of mind for most executives today and will only increase as businesses rely more on collaboration platforms and engage more...

Mastering Microsoft 365 for Automation, Governance, and Adoption

With its capability to support new ways of working, Microsoft 365 has rapidly become a centerpiece of the modern digital workplace for many organizations....


Updated White Paper: Streamlining Microsoft SharePoint Deployment with DocAve Deployment Manager

Product Marketing Analyst Alicia-Basiima Mukasa shares an updated white paper on SharePoint deployment and new features of DocAve Deployment Manager.

Justifying Granular Backups for Microsoft SharePoint Deployments

TSP Anne Plancius explains the importance of granular backups in data protection regimes for SharePoint environments.

Announcing AvePoint EMEA Partner of the Year Award Nominations

Digital Marketing Manager Yana Kryuchkova shares details about a new award recognizing AvePoint partners in EMEA.

New Case Study: MSU Billings

Find out how Montana State University (MSU) Billings simplified its Microsoft SharePoint 2010 migration significantly in a new case study.

Governance & Business Process Management for Microsoft SharePoint in the MENA Region

Business Development Manager, MENA, Suki Bahth shares details about AvePoint's upcoming events in the United Arab Emirates.

AvePoint’s DocAve Content Shield Named Trend Setting Product of 2012

The list, started in 2003, includes Content Shield for clearly demonstrating technology breakthroughs that serve customers’ specific business needs