Data Security Best Practices for Copilot for Microsoft 365

In today’s digital workplace, organizations are leveraging AI tools like Copilot for Microsoft 365 to revolutionize the way they work. However, data is an...

Manage and Secure Modern External Collaboration at Scale with AvePoint Confide

Digital security is top of mind for most executives today and will only increase as businesses rely more on collaboration platforms and engage more...

Mastering Microsoft 365 for Automation, Governance, and Adoption

With its capability to support new ways of working, Microsoft 365 has rapidly become a centerpiece of the modern digital workplace for many organizations....


[Ré] Concilier les Équipes IT et le Business avec la Gouvernance dans Microsoft SharePoint (Part 2)

Après avoir vu le pourquoi il est important de la mettre en place de la gouvernance pour SharePoint, voici comment avec gouvernance automation on pourra mettre en place cette gouvernance.

[Ré] Concilier les Équipes IT et le Business avec la Gouvernance dans Microsoft SharePoint (Part 1)

Dans ce premier article, nous allons mettre en évidence les problèmes liés à la croissance des volumes SharePoint dans l’entreprise ainsi que les questions à se poser en amont d’un projet de déploiement SharePoint afin de les éviter.

Reflecting Back on SharePoint Conference 2012

Chief Architect and Microsoft SharePoint MVP Jeremy Thake shares his personal thoughts and takeaways from SharePoint Conference 2012.

Sustaining Job Growth in Today’s Economy

In light of AvePoint being named an Inc. magazine Hire Power Awards winner, Chief Financial Officer Jim Caci discusses the company's ongoing investment in people, processes, and technology.

Accessibility Assists in Sustainable Human, Economic, and Social Development

After serving as a delegate at the annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, Vice President, Software Engineering and Standards, Robert Yonaitis writes about the importance of accessibility and how AvePoint helps.

Taking Steps Toward a More Accessible Web

Vice President, Risk Management and Compliance, Dana Simberkoff discusses issues related to Web accessibility in advance of her participation on a panel at an upcoming event in Beligum.