Takeaways from the Dell Field Readiness Seminar in Las Vegas

Post Date: 02/15/2012
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​Last week I attended the Dell Field Readiness (FRS) seminar in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center from February 6-9. I was there to connect with global Dell sales representatives to introduce them to the new Dell SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization (SIO) solution with AvePoint and let them know that they have a partner to help answer their customers’ Microsoft® SharePoint® concerns. Their responses made it clear that this was greatly appreciated.

Within hours of meeting representatives, it became evident that the need for the SIO solution was tremendous. They hear all levels of SharePoint customer pain points, and previous solutions did not allow an adequate response. The SIO solution changes that by alleviating two major pain points in the vast SharePoint content lifecycle: storage optimization and data protection. Unique to any other solution available on the market, the SIO solution can scale infinitely to cater to any organizational SharePoint deployment and specific customer needs.

Needless to say, representatives embraced the solution with enthusiasm and eagerness. They were astonished when they were shown some of the facts and figures resulting from the solution, such as: · Decrease Microsoft® SQL Server® footprint up to 97 percent · Reduce SharePoint database size up to 90 percent with no data movement · Reduction of capital expenditures and operational expenditures of a SharePoint storage environment up to 50 percent Beyond the numbers, Dell sales representatives walked away from the AvePoint SIO booth feeling assured they have a partner who is the relevant expert in the SharePoint field, and whom they are able to leverage for any and all SharePoint related questions, concerns, and opportunities. “That’s good stuff,” stated not one, but two separate Dell sales representatives after learning about the SIO solution. “AvePoint equals SharePoint” was the key takeaway for representatives searching for a solution to tackle the growing SharePoint infrastructure management demand. They were eager to get conversations started with customers upon hearing about the fully integrated platform of SharePoint governance and infrastructure management solutions AvePoint has to offer through the DocAve Software Platform. The conversation starts with SIO and can expand to cover and provide the best solutions for all pain points within SharePoint content lifecycle management. To celebrate the solution, AvePoint held an exclusive SIO Launch Party at Border Grill at Mandalay Bay. The event was packed and everyone had a great time. I’ll leave you with some words shared with attendees that night by Christian O’Brien, NA Public Storage Leader at Dell who spoke alongside AvePoint Co-CEO Dr. Tianyi (TJ) Jiang: “As our customers increasingly look for end-to-end solutions to manage their information growth, SharePoint is positioned to be a key platform that provides an open, scalable, and affordable solution. Delivering innovative approaches like our SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization solution that seamlessly integrate with Dell’s end-to-end SharePoint capabilities will serve to elevate and differentiate Dell in the eyes of our customers. By utilizing our data management solutions, our customers can realize their business innovation objectives while achieving their data to information management transformation. It is a true win-win scenario for all.” To see some photos from my time at Dell FRS, be sure to visit and like AvePoint's Facebook page.

Eric is a former Vice President of Marketing at AvePoint. In that role, Eric was responsible for the strategy, creation, and execution of all messaging, positioning, Go-To-Market activities, and integrated marketing campaigns for the AvePoint software portfolio.

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