My Third Week as an AvePoint Intern

Post Date: 06/22/2012
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With my fourth week at AvePoint about to begin, I find it unbelievable how quickly my time here has flown by. It's made me realize how an active and stimulating work environment can make the days go by that much quicker! This past week has definitely been a busy one. I’ve been included in a number of important meetings and phone conferences, and this type of hands-on experience has really helped me assimilate into AvePoint's work environment. My time here so far has been a learning experience like none other. Monday began as it usually does – meeting with my Marketing group to discuss our tasks for the week. I’ve been working closely with Franklin Teagle, our Social Media & Customer Evidence Manager, to strategize and execute our company’s social media initiatives. Being part of this Global Communications group has meant not only working with great people, but understanding how social media can be an important component when creating an influential presence for a company like AvePoint. Mid week, we had a mini birthday celebration for Melissa Defuria, Business Intelligence & Online Marketing Analyst. Cupcakes for all! To close out the week, the interns participated in an office scavenger hunt – who doesn’t love a good team building exercise? AvePoint is not only a proven leader in enterprise-class governance and infrastructure management, but also a leader in employing friendly people who treat their peers equally – subsequently creating an environment that is both productive and engaging. Here’s hoping the next couple of weeks don’t fly by too quickly!

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