ERM Migration Hung At 0%

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KB Article ID: 10052

Product: Migration
Product Version: All
SharePoint Version: All


​ERM Migration does not move past 0%.


​The ERM full migration is hanging at 0%.


The DocAveeRoomERMMigratorWorker.exe process is not initiating due to security restrictions.


​Verify if there is a security restriction on DocAveeRoomERMMigratorWorker.exe file by doing the following:

  1. In server Agent server, navigate to …\AvePoint\DocAve5\Agent\bin folder.
  2. Right-click on DocAveeRoomERMMigratorWorker.exe file, then click Properties.
  3. Click Unblock if there is a security restriction on the file.
  4. Stop all migration process on the server.
  5. Rerun the problematic job.