Dux Quax: Talking Tech Community with Anna Chu

Post Date: 11/28/2017
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Hey y’all! Dux Raymond Sy here for AvePoint. I had a chance to sit down with Microsoft’s Anna Chu at Microsoft’s Tech Summit event in Sydney and we had a chance to chat all about Microsoft’s Tech Community!

Dux: Anna!

Anna: Hey, how’s it going, Dux?

Dux: Good! This is the first Tech Summit Sydney. Your hometown, right?

Anna: This is my hometown, yeah. It’s great to be back.

Dux: It’s a little special for you.

Anna: It is very special. I can’t let my team down. I have to show them a good time, plus also give them a really great IT pro experience here at the Tech Summit, so it’s been really awesome, and I’m really happy that all these MVPs turned out. We had so many. We’ve had lots of them staff the tech community both as well. We have some of them also helping out with their workshops. They’re doing such a great job, so really excited about our MVPs here.


Dux: Anna, I know you’ve talked a lot about this. From the first time we talked, I think a year and a half or two years ago, about the community… How’s the community changed? I know there’s tech community, there’s these events. How’s the evolution been?

Anna: It’s been really awesome, actually. It’s so funny. It’s only been a year and a half. Since we’ve spoken, we’ve grown the community to 95,000. That’s on the Microsoft tech community. We never thought that we would get there. I thought, “Oh, maybe it’d be nice to get to 100,000 by, you know, in January, February,” but I think we could even get there by Christmas. Fingers crossed. That would be…

Dux: That would be the best present, right?

Anna: It would be the best present. The best present ever. But, yeah. It’s been really awesome to see how it’s been evolving. All these things interconnect with our events, so if you think about the Microsoft tech community, where people from all around the world are asking questions and trying to find out news about Microsoft products, they’re also going to our events. So, we want to make sure that all the content that is shared at those events, such as all the decks, and all the video content, is also available for people to view online. Especially because not everyone can make the time to come over to these events.

Dux: The cool thing is, there’s the engagement, there’s the networking, there’s the learning on tech community, but then, speaking of learning. With Tech Academy, being part of it now, there’s I would say formalized learning, as well.

Anna: Yeah, absolutely. One of the biggest challenges that IT pros have is just the amount of stuff that they have to learn, and the rapid pace, and not knowing whether what they’ve got is the most current and up-to-date learning path for them. Kim’s done a wonderful job of curating a bunch of different learning paths for IT pros, whether it’s on Office 365, Microsoft 365, focusing on deployment, and all a bunch of other different topics. There are more to come. We’re got so many more different resources, and it is pulling from, it’s an aggregator. That’s one question I often get, is, “How is the Microsoft Tech Academy different?” It’s that it’s aggregating multiple sources when it comes to learning content. You don’t have to just go to all these different sites, you can just go to one. It’s a one-stop shop, to be able to find that.

Dux: That’s awesome. For folks watching, that they haven’t signed up, or they want to be a part of this awesome community, be that 95,999th person, where should they go and sign up?

Anna: They should go to techcommunity.microsoft.com.

Dux: Anna, as always, it’s a pleasure.

Anna: Pleasure as always. Thanks so much, Dux.

Dux: See you!

With over 20 years of business and technology experience, Dux has driven organizational transformations worldwide with his ability to simplify complex ideas and deliver relevant solutions. He serves as the Chief Brand Officer of AvePoint who has authored the LinkedIn Learning course How to Build Your Personal Brand, the book SharePoint for Project Management, as well as numerous whitepapers and articles. As a public speaker, Dux has delivered engaging, interactive presentations to more than 25,000 people at leading industry events around the world. He also hosts the modern workplace podcast #shifthappens that focuses on how leading organizations navigated their business transformation journey. Dux advocates tirelessly for inclusion, using technology for good, and philanthropic initiatives. Connect with him: http://dux.sy

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