Thanks for the Memories

Post Date: 08/09/2012
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It’s hard to believe, but this is my final blog as an AvePoint intern. The past 10 weeks have brought its share of adventures, and it’s because of those adventures that I see myself as a different person. Now that I've worked in a corporate environment, this internship has helped me progress and change in so many positive ways. There have been many points of interest simultaneously occurring in the office lately. The AvePoint Olympics crowned its winner (congrats Sweden!) and my fellow interns and I gave presentations on the accomplishments achieved while working here. Because my project focused on LinkedIn, it was great to show everyone where my hard work and dedication was focused on these past months. One of the many things I will take away from this internship is the great coworkers I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. I feel so fortunate to say that I was a part of the Global Communications team here at AvePoint. This group of talented people, led by Christopher Musico, Director of Global Communications, puts in so much effort to create and implement ways to convey the company’s message. I can only hope that my contribution helped in bringing that message across even further.

I'm fortunate to have been accepted into this internship program. It has allowed me to become a more successful employee and marketing professional. Anyone who has the opportunity to be in a program like this should jump at the chance. Those who do will be lucky because they will meet great friends, be part of a welcoming work atmosphere, and do what they have always wanted to do. I can say with conviction that I experienced it all! I hope you have enjoyed reading by blogs, because it’s been a joy writing them. This is Fatima Bokhari, Global Communications Intern, signing off!

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