Vind de middenweg

Of u nu een begin wilt maken met uw transitie naar de cloud, on-prem blijft, of hybride gaat met een combinatie: onze oplossingen migreren, beheren en beschermen uw gegevens. Daarnaast versnellen we uw digitale transformatie, schalen we uw IT, en beschermen we uw naam en informatie.

Keep it real (eenvoudig)

Keep it real (eenvoudig)

Het beheren van veel hybride omgevingen of on-prem systemen kan hoofdpijn opleveren. Wij geven u de centrale regie en de tools.

Gebouwd om te schalen

Gebouwd om te schalen

Ongeacht hoeveel servers u moet beheren in hybride omgevingen, onze architectuur zal uitbreiden om aan uw behoeften te voldoen

Oh zo flexibel

Oh zo flexibel

Al onze hybride en on-premises producten kunnen worden gehost op lokale servers of worden ingezet in cloud VM’s, zoals Azure of AWS

De weersverwachting is “partly cloudy”

Naadloos migreren naar, en beheren van SharePoint en Office 365. Uw informatie wordt beschermd, ongeacht waar ze zich bevinden—in databases, Slack, Office 365, SharePoint, fileshares, en meer.

Administrator Icon


Centralize and automate changes, and manage settings, configurations, and permissions in bulk at any object level to eliminate tedious tasks.

Archiver Icon


Intelligently archive and automate content lifecycle management for files, mail, items, conversations, and more, based on custom business rules.

Backup & Restore Icon

Backup & Restore

Protect and restore with backup of SharePoint and Microsoft Office 365 and restore items with full fidelity and recovery. With platform level protection and granular restore, meet SLAs with ease.

Cloud & SharePoint Migratie: FLY Icon

Cloud & SharePoint Migratie: FLY

Migreer e-mail, bestanden, en andere cloud systemen (zelfs andere Microsoft 365 tenants!) naar Microsoft 365. Of migreer bestanden en eerdere versies naar SharePoint. Kom meer te weten.

Compliance Guardian Platform Icon

Compliance Guardian Platform

Automate privacy and security programs across your enterprise’s content.

Connector Icon


Share file shares and cloud storage safely and securely to unify your enterprise content.

Content Manager Icon

Content Manager

Centralized control to manage, move, and maintain business-critical content within or across environments with minimal business interruption.

Data Validation & Classification Icon

Data Validation & Classification

Identify and map data as it flows through on-premises and cloud-based systems, prioritize what’s to be protected and from whom, and determine the data’s lifecycle.

Data Validation, Classification & Protection Icon

Data Validation, Classification & Protection

Proactively monitor and neutralize violations of privacy, security, and compliance to help mitigate risk from the second data is created, throughout its lifecycle.

Deployment Manager Icon

Deployment Manager

Test and deploy solutions and templates across environments with accuracy and speed.

Discovery Icon


Analyze content and structure your source environment to identify potential migration issues before they happen.

Dynamics 365 Backup Icon

Dynamics 365 Backup

Automated backup with flexible capacity options ensure all of your cloud investments are secure and restored.

Enterprise Risk Management Icon

Enterprise Risk Management

Implement a systematic risk program to evaluate, analyze, resolve and report on data flows, processes, and privacy and security risk.

File Share Archiver Icon

File Share Archiver

Enable content lifecycle management for file shares. Move content to cool storage to cut costs, improve data quality, and maintain discoverability.

File Share Navigator Icon

File Share Navigator

Remove barriers, enhance enterprise-wide content management, and global collaboration with a single point of access that removes content size and location limits.

Governance Automation Icon

Governance Automation

Automate SharePoint and Office 365 lifecycle management—from provisioning to archiving, and more. Enable controlled release of new features to drive adoption and enforce policies.

Meetings Icon


Collaborate efficiently by bringing order and innovation to meetings with our simplified interface. Users can document, audit, collect, and analyze shared information.

Office Connect Icon

Office Connect

Merge content from Microsoft Outlook, Office, and Windows File Explorer into SharePoint and Office 365. Enhance productivity with easy sharing and seamless integration.

Perimeter Icon


Extend the collaborative power of on-premises SharePoint beyond your organizations’ walls to provide secure external and remote access.

Replicator Icon


Sync changes to item, list, libraries, and sites across SharePoint and Microsoft Office 365.

Report Center Icon

Report Center

Create detailed and customizable reports on performance, usage, and security across SharePoint and Office 365.

Salesforce Backup Icon

Salesforce Backup

With a combination of automatic daily backups for Salesforce and sandbox, on-demand backups, and comprehensive restore, we keep your business moving forward.

Storage Manager Icon

Storage Manager

Extend SharePoint storage beyond SQL databases to tier storage, cut costs, and optimize performance.