AvePoint Intern (Not So) Confidential: Week Seven

Post Date: 07/20/2012
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With week seven of my internship at AvePoint coming to a close, I’ve been able to gain a deeper insight into working in a corporate environment. You quickly realize the importance of individual tasks to the company as a whole, and it’s been an honor contributing all I can.

One of the main tasks I focused on this week was the project I am presenting at the end of my internship. I was able to put together a preliminary presentation which I will build upon in the coming weeks. Because I have been spending most of my time working on LinkedIn, I’ve gained greater insight into the social network and its usefulness. There is still more to do before the project is complete, so I’m eager to continue to build onto the work already done. Aside from that, I’ve been taking on many other tasks that Franklin Teagle, our Social Media & Customer Evidence Manager, has assigned for me. Working at AvePoint has given me a chance to start mastering the art of multitasking. I believe it is so important for aspiring professionals to participate in an internship to understand the processes of working in a fast-paced environment. I always tell myself how fortunate I am to have discovered this internship as I’ve learned so much already, and I know that the next group of interns will surely share my sentiment.

As my internship comes to a conclusion in the coming weeks, keep an eye out for more blog posts. I hope everyone is staying cool during the summer heat!

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