
Synergics is a technological leader with a strong Cloud vision. As a Golden Competence partner of Microsoft and a Trends Gazelle nominee 2018 and 2019, Synergics is successful in various sectors: Government authorities, member organizations and SMEs including software vendors and construction companies are all part of Synergics' regular customer base. With its unique SPRINT approach, Synergics ensures a worry-free implementation and focuses highly on the good adoption of the innovative IT-solution.


  • Synergics Logo
  • LAND Belgien
  • ART DER PARTNERSCHAFT Lösungspartner
  • BRANCHE Agriculture, Informationstechnologie, SLG, Federal, Umwelt, Beratung, Sport, Ingenieurwesen, Transport und Logistik, Reisen, Vertrieb, Öffentlicher Sektor, Gemeinnützige Organisationen, Telekommunikation, Baugewerbe, Gesundheitswesen, Fertigung, Medien und Unterhaltung, Technologie, Immobilien, Forschung, Pharmazie, Energie/Versorgung, Recht, Versicherung, Industrials, General Services, Finanzdienstleistungen, Bildung, Professionelle Dienstleistungen