Records and Information Management Worth Bragging About

How to build an information management program that garners respect, not frustration

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Event Information

  • 1 Hour


Alyssa Blackburn

Global Program Manager - Information Management, AvePoint

Jay Leask

Director, Strategic Accounts and Solutions, AvePoint Public Sector

Push your info management knowledge beyond what’s expected in the field

There are certain mainstays of information management that every records/information manager is familiar with. Be it auditing and reporting, retention and disposal, or classification and file plans, these are known quantities.

But what if there were ways to improve the information management program at your organisation that are usually overlooked? Join experts Alyssa Blackburn and Jay Leask as they break down essential ways you can get the most out of the management of your content.

This webinar will give you valuable tips on:

  • How to set up a collaboration platform for long-term success

  • What needs to be done before the information is saved

  • How to handle information management for multiple systems

  • Practical steps you can take to ensure successful info management

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