Improving Field and Firstline Employee Collaboration With Office 365 & Kaizala

Learn best practices for implementing and training frontline employees on Office 365 and Kaizala solutions
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Modernizing gov it and securing collaboration in m365

Event Information

  • 1 Hour


Dux Raymond Sy

Microsoft RD & MVP and AvePoint Chief Brand Officer

Zahid Saeed

Cyber Security and M365 lead, Microsoft

Presented by:
Dux Raymond Sy, AvePoint, Microsoft Regional Director and MVP
Zahid Saeed, Cybersecurity/M365 lead, Microsoft

Firstline workers—employees that are often mobile and first to engage with your customers—are critically important to an organization’s success.

However, many of these employees can feel disconnected, underinformed and disengaged from the rest of the company. Additionally, their productivity can be hampered by manually intensive and outdated tools from paper punch cards for clocking in to phone trees for trading shifts.

Now, Microsoft is bringing the digital transformation to the frontlines of organizations with a special Microsoft 365 F1 licensing combining Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility + Security.

This webinar will cover the advantages of this new offering as well as best practices for implementing and training frontline employees on Office 365 solutions relevant to their day-to-day work.

This webinar is suited for all organizations with firstline workers, especially those in:

  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Transportation
  • Public sector

Register today and learn:

  • The basics and benefits of the new Microsoft F1 license and Kaizala
  • Training strategies that increase adoption
  • How to plug firstline workers into company wide communications using tools such as Yammer
  • Examples of how to leverage Office 365 to improve firstline worker collaboration including: Teams, OneDrive and StaffHub
  • How Enterprise Mobility + Security and other third-party solutions can help secure your firstline workers when they are communicating on-the-go and back in the office.

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