How to Leverage M365 to Enhance Regulatory Compliance and Mitigate Collaboration Risk

Learn how to mitigate collaboration risk, enhance regulatory Compliance (APRA) all while maximising ROI on your M365 investment.

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  • 1 Hour
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Darryl Clark

Principal Consultant, AvePoint

Neil Griffiths

Modern Workplace and Security Practice Lead, Eighty20 Solutions

Scott Lewis

Enterprise Channel Manager, Microsoft

Australian FSI Organisations Need to Proactively Address Information Management Compliance.

As any financial services organisation is aware, the collection, storage, access, usage, and disposal of information is a breeding ground of risk. And as we have seen in recent times, data has become one of the biggest risks facing financial institutions from both a disciplinary and reputational risk perspective.

Organisations need to leverage a repeatable and mathematical approach to risk management. Using such an approach to quantify and mitigate risk demonstrates intentional corporate action to deal responsibly with risk, which can soften the hard edge of legal and regulatory action.

In this webinar, our panellists will discuss proven strategies that can help financial institutions mitigate the risk of data loss, secure collaboration, enhanced auditability, and accelerate technology adoption through automated service delivery.

This will be a session of thought leadership from two Microsoft Gold Partners who have significant experience supporting Financial Services customers in Australia to meet regulatory requirements such as compliance with Prudential Standard CPS 234.

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