AvePoint MyView Magnifies Productivity in Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Post Date: 07/18/2012
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I’m proud to announce that our latest product, AvePoint MyView, has been selected for the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Marketplace Preview. As one of only 35 apps to be included across both the SharePoint and Office marketplace, it’s a great honor and testament to our deep relationship with Microsoft. So, what’s MyView? If you’re like me, you have myriad projects going on at any given time – all with separate calendar items and tasks dispersed throughout SharePoint and Microsoft Outlook. Add to the fact that I’m constantly on the road, and it makes it increasingly difficult for me to able to ensure I’m not only meeting – but am also completely aware of – all my deadlines. What if I could take all of my tasks and calendar items and present them through Microsoft Exchange, for one source of truth? What if they were synchronized so I wasn’t out of date, and what if I could update information myself on the road with my mobile phone? That’s what AvePoint MyView offers, and then some. Features and benefits of MyView include: · Support for on-premises and online versions of SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, MOSS 2007, Exchange 2013, and Exchange 2010 · Aggregation and synchronization of SharePoint calendar and task lists with Exchange accounts in one single view · Updating on-the-go with support for Android, Blackberry, iOS, and Windows 7 Phone mobile Exchange applications as well as from their desktop through SharePoint project and team sites, or Outlook · Reliable access to updated tasks and calendars through utilizing the scalability benefits of cloud computing This prototype was borne out of our new AvePoint Labs team, a group within AvePoint that is focused on supporting the newest technologies coming to market that will change the way we collaborate. Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is poised to revolutionize the way we all look at collaboration and productivity, and MyView is the first of many innovations coming from AvePoint Labs to help enterprises stay one step ahead. For more information on MyView, please visit AvePoint.com/MyView.

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