Website Testing as Easy as 1-2-3 with Compliance Detector

Post Date: 05/30/2013
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​As a software engineer who deals with standards and public policy, it is satisfying to oversee the release of a product designed to educate about and support essential guidelines and principles that impact the accessibility and usability of electronic information by everyone, regardless of physical abilities. It is even better when that product also treats data in a manner consistent with security and privacy best practices. Compliance Detector, which will be released by AvePoint on Monday, June 3, has one simple goal: to educate its users on the main principals of site and content quality. This free tool will allow its users to examine their content to better understand its viability and compliance with public and private guidelines and standards. The main areas of validation that will be covered are: · United States Section 508 Guidelines (accessibility) · Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0: Level A · Fundamental Privacy Checks; including Cookies, Secure Socket Layers (SSL), Privacy Notices, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and more. · Page and Site Quality Checks; from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to the proper use of Title and Alternative text, as improperly structured documents can make you your own censor by breaking fundamental indexing rules. Using the solution is as simple as 1-2-3: 1. Enter a URL to test. 2. Select the compliance checks you want to validate. 3. Select the [test] button. You will promptly see a report with the results from your validation request. Compliance Detector Home Screen The Compliance Detector report walks you through each error, warning, or passed items, and provides a link to more guidance. Compliance Detector provides users with the ability to navigate the report, which is simplified by easy keyboard and mouse access. Comprehensive results filtering and the ability to view the errors in the actual source code helps to answer the question, “What do I do next?” The main results have status codes as follows: · Human Review · Failed · Passed · Not Applicable Filtering allows you to look at only those areas with which you are most concerned, allowing you to remove all other information so that you can more easily review items that are most important to you or for any web design course that you may be attending. The application itself complies with Web Standards; from its CSS to HTML, you will find well-structured code that is browser independent. More importantly, you will also find that you have no need to register nor is there any need to use Captcha or any other technology to determine if you are a bot or not! Compliance Detector has been designed so that the system can be automated by third parties. We look forward to spreading the word on best practices and extended usage of this educational solution. Compliance Detector Report Screenshot As a company, AvePoint will continue to add new features to Compliance Detector to better serve the community, and we look forward to all feedback. Compliance Detector should be viewed as the start of a conversation and an opportunity for users to begin a dialog within their own organizations regarding the value and requirements that exist surrounding these guidelines and standards. We already have features planned for the next release that will include inline error painting, so that you can view the rendered page with errors and information inline. The next time you are at AvePoint’s booth – whether it’s at TechEd North America 2013 or another one of the events we sponsor around the world – feel free to ask for a demo of this educational solution. We look forward to showcasing what Compliance Detector, powered by AvePoint Compliance Guardian, can do for your organization.
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