Global Information Governance Day: 10 Resources to Put You on the Right Track #GIGD

Post Date: 02/19/2015
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Did you know that today is Global Information Governance Day (GIGD)? Held on the third Thursday every February, the purpose of GIGD is to spread awareness about information governance and share best practices around the topic.

For those new to the subject, Gartner defines information governance as: The specification of decision rights and an accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the valuation, creation, storage, use, archival, and deletion of information. It includes the processes, roles, standards, and metrics that ensure the effective and efficient use of information in enabling an organization to achieve its goals.

As an organization driven by enabling enterprise collaboration across platforms and devices, governance is a major pillar of our business at AvePoint. While governance is vitally important for the security of your information systems – which makes the administrators and business stakeholders happy – a strong plan and effective enforcement makes life easier on your users as well. It allows them to make better business decisions and work more efficiently with trustworthy data that is easy to find.

In honor of GIGD, I’ve listed 10 resources below that are aimed to help you not only better understand information governance, but also build an effective plan for your organization and enforce that plan at every stage of the information management lifecycle.

1. AIIM Industry Watch: Automating Information Governance – Assuring Compliance: Created by the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), this report takes an in-depth look at information governance policies, privacy, and records management issues, policy enforcement, and how well technology can set or correct metadata, detect security risks, and enforce deletion policies.

2. SharePoint Governance: A Definitive Guide: Authored by Microsoft SharePoint experts Randy Williams, Richard Harbridge, and Jeremy Thake, this white paper goes in depth with best practices and strategies necessary for planning and enforcing governance policies for the platform.

3. How to Implement an Effective SharePoint Governance Plan: This document, written by Randy Williams, is great for those who have moved past the “what” and “why” of governance and need suggestions on how they can effectively implement a plan for SharePoint.

4. 8 Things to Consider about SharePoint Governance in 2015: Governance has been a prominent topic throughout the SharePoint community for years now, but where is it going in 2015? No matter where you are with governance, this document shares eight important concepts to keep in mind this year.

5. Governance Inside and Out with AvePoint and Tahoe Partners: In conjunction with Tahoe Partners, this five-part blog series focuses on building, implementing, and enforcing an effective governance plan based upon our extensive work together helping customers across a broad range of verticals address all kinds of challenges related to the topic.

6. AvePoint Data Governance Solutions: Learn about the technical, business, and compliance advantages of our data governance solutions, which standardize corporate taxonomies and classification as well as streamline IT service delivery while ensuring information security and privacy.

7. Data Governance Solutions Graphic: From a self-service, on-demand workspace to built-in records management, this graphic explains how our data governance solutions ensure your data stays where it should be every step of the way.

8. Document Management Solutions Graphic: This graphic addresses every stage of the document management lifecycle and explains how our solutions address concerns throughout the process from creation all the way to archiving and end-of-life.

9. DocAve Governance Automation: Fully integrated with DocAve 6 – our enterprise-class infrastructure management platform – DocAve Governance Automation gives users easy access to IT resources while ensuring governance policies are met through solutions for provisioning, lifecycle management, and security.

10. SharePoint Provisioning with DocAve Governance Automation Video: Watch this brief video for a better understanding of how users can request SharePoint provisioning services and organizations can provide those services in a way that is automated and in accordance with governance policies.

Have a question about governance? Our team is ready to help! I encourage you to leave a comment on this post or join the conversation in our governance discussion forum.

John Peluso is AvePoint’s Chief Technology Officer. In this role, he aligns the Company’s technology and product roadmaps to grow AvePoint’s market share, and accelerate the ideation, development, and launch of innovative software products tailored to anticipate customer needs. Prior to this role, John held multiple leadership roles over his 13-year tenure at AvePoint, including Chief Product Officer, SVP of Product Strategy, Director of Education, and Chief Technology Officer, Public Sector.

Before joining AvePoint, John served in a variety of technology and business roles at New Horizons Northeast and New Horizons of Central and Northern NJ. He earned his undergraduate degree from The New School.

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