Cloud Records

Office 365 offers several compelling features and capabilities for information management; however, when we speak to customers they often tell us they’re still coming up short. As content sprawls, users may have a hard time finding relevant content, and Records and Information Managers might find it difficult to implement and scale the policies needed to reduce risk and remain compliant. Whether there’s an over-reliance on end users to recognize and declare record content as it’s created or uncovered—or limited options to define global, enforceable policies that can be updated and translated into Content Types—the same challenges appear.
Cloud Records makes it easier to manage Office 365 content and physical records. Instead of expecting information and records managers to master the ins and outs of SharePoint Online IM capabilities, they can use our dedicated interface to define corporate taxonomy and classification schemes, and associate the right retention and disposal rules with each. Keep reading on…take a closer look at our platform, now available as a SaaS application through AvePoint Online Services!
Classification Schemes
Configure and manage classification schemes to simplify information retention and disposal. Apply multiple rules to classifications, and even set term expiration dates. With Cloud Records you can sync any created terms to Office 365 Managed Metadata or sites, and provides central oversite for term enforcement. Options to apply an entire term set, a subset of the term set, or a default term to an Office 365 location allows user input to be configured as manual or automatic.
Intuitive Retention and Disposal Rules
Information follows a lifecycle where eventually a decision should be made to retain content for the long-term or delete it, if no longer needed or in use. Without retention policies in place, and a way to enforce them, organizations may end up keeping content beyond its useful life. This results in, at the very least, poor search results and user experience, at the worst, compliance risk and increased storage costs. Build business rules within Cloud Records that can manage any lifecycle outcome based on criteria that map to the way you work. Since rules are applied automatically to content based on its classification, users don’t have to be involved in the guesswork!
Audit and Reporting
How have terms been applied? What content is about to be archived or deleted? With our comprehensive, out of the box reports, you get answers! Determine what’s coming up for action, check what’s happened in the past, or interrogate the audit trails of items or actions by users. Don’t just be compliant, prove compliance with our reports to ensure record integrity.
Physical Records Management
For organizations that still operate with paper, or need to manage a legacy store, AvePoint Cloud Records provides physical records management. End users can request access to existing files or create news ones. Records Managers can maintain full oversight of what’s happening in the physical world with built-in workflows and activity reporting.
Let’s Get Started!
As of September 17, 2017, Cloud Records is available for a free trial and purchase through Bring your own Office 365 account—we’ll take care of the rest!
Not convinced yet? Let Cloud Records do the talking…
Alyssa Blackburn is the Director of Records & Information Strategy at AvePoint, where she helps organisations achieve business value from their information. In her role, Alyssa provides records and information consulting services as well as system implementations, allowing customers to optimise the structure of their information to maximize business benefits while meeting data governance and compliance objectives. With 20 years of experience in the information management industry, Alyssa has worked with both public and private sector organisations to deliver guidance for information management success in the digital age. She is responsible for the development of AvePoint’s information management solution, and has been involved with implementing our records management solution with government agencies and commercial clients. Alyssa is actively involved in the information management industry and has spoken at a number of events including at Inforum 2016 in Perth. She has been published in the RIMPA IQ magazine and recently won the 2016 award article of the year for the RIMPA IQ magazine for her article titled, "Why you need to think differently about information management."