My First Week as an AvePoint Intern

Post Date: 06/08/2012
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Have you ever seen those movies where a group of fresh-faced interns are brought into a gloomy office setting and forced to do repetitive, menial tasks like staple 1,000 copies of an arcane internal report in a windowless gray cubicle for eight consecutive hours? Now think of the complete opposite scenario; that’s what my week at AvePoint has been like. I’ve been welcomed into an atmosphere of lively, energetic people who are just as motivated as I am – and it’s a refreshing sight. My expectations for this job prior to my Monday start date were already high, but I certainly did not expect to feel like part of the team in just a few short days. Let me paint you a picture of what I (along with my fellow interns) have been doing so far. First, we had two days of orientation. It was nice being in a familiar setting: the classroom. We began the day by getting to know each other better, as well as a course on “who’s who” in the AvePoint global family. After that, we got into the real nitty-gritty items with a crash course on all things Microsoft SharePoint and DocAve. Our brains were put to the test, for sure, but thankfully we are a bunch of young and talented adults who grasped all the concepts in no time (or at least that’s what I keep telling myself)! Yes, there is a lot to learn, but as the two days of orientation came to an end, it was clear that we would be OK. An internship, after all, does encompass the idea of learning as you go, right? As we all scurried to our designated sections in the office, comparing whose cubicle was positioned in the better spot, the real fun began. I have the pleasure of working with Global Communications Director Christopher Musico and Social Media & Customer Evidence Manager Franklin Teagle in the Global Communications department. During our first meeting together, we had a little visitor out on the Hudson River: the Shuttle Enterprise was being taken to the Intrepid, via boat. space shuttle.jpg

Did I mention that AvePoint headquarters are located next to the Hudson River, right across the Manhattan skyline? You really can’t ask for a better spot to work. As the shuttle slowly drifted up the river, Chris, Franklin, and I determined my major projects during the duration of my internship – this blog happens to be one of them. With a spirited atmosphere, mixed with determination and ambition, AvePoint is a great place to be. I am looking forward to keeping my readers updated on my experiences, so stay tuned!

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