City of Adelaide IT Modernisation with Office 365
Success Highlights

Location Adelaide, Australia
Industry Public Sector
Platform Microsoft 365
Critical Needs
- Pre-migration file analysis and data discovery
- Office 365 migration and IT Modernisation
- Improved mobile communication with firstline workforce
The Challenge
The City of Adelaide launched a three-year plan to modernise their IT infrastructure. This modernisation plan included moving to Office 365, SharePoint Online and bringing their legacy apps into the cloud.
The City of Adelaide uses a customised SharePoint environment with automated workflows for a variety of functions such as finance, IT, HR, risk and governance, as well as their customer centers knowledgebase.
Anthony Criscitelli, Configuration Analyst with the City of Adelaide, wanted to take advantage of the new fiber network and make the organisation’s intranet available 24/7 anytime, anywhere for their 800 active users.
One of the City Council’s main challenges was the amount of non-essential data contained in their environment from years of heavy SharePoint use.
With 100 GB of data their SharePoint environment, Anthony decided to make the migration project an opportunity to take a close look at the organisation’s data and evaluate what needed to be migrated and what could be left behind.
After utilising DocAve Migrator for their migration from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 and based on the success and ease of use, City of Adelaide were confident that DocAve Migrator was the right solution for their migration to the cloud.
“We found the experience very easy, seamless and easy to manage. It really came down to choosing best of breed and AvePoint came out clear. It just made sense to say this is the product to use to go into the cloud,” said City of Adelaide Configuration Analyst, Anthony Criscitelli.
Configuration Analyst City of Adelaide
The AvePoint Solution
City of Adelaide immediately found massive time savings by utilising DocAve Migrator rather than setting up its migration manually.
“To migrate manually would have been a monumental challenge. The product saved us heaps and heaps of time, only taking a couple of days to migrate,” said Anthony.
Using the powerful discovery functionality of DocAve Migrator, Anthony said he discovered roughly 70 percent of the organisation’s data was old, obsolete content that did not need to moved to the cloud.
This accelerated the migration timeline and reduced both migration and storage costs. It also helped keep the organisation’s collaboration ecosystem organised and tidy for its users in SharePoint Online.
After migrating to the cloud, City of Adelaide was able to leverage its improved mobile and data capture capabilities.
“Half of our workforce, those who look out for parks, roads and firstline workers, are out and away from our central location. Now that we have a mobile platform within Office 365, we can start delivering a lot of their data capture through mobile devices a lot more effectively, something we could never do before,” said Anthony.

The Road Ahead
The City of Adelaide is also now able to utilise the whole Office 365 suite, which offers them more tools to increase daily productivity.
“We now do a lot with Power BI and Dynamics CRM, we utilise video quite often, so the stream platform is ideal for delivering a lot of our internal comms,” said Anthony.
“This modern experience has addressed an issue we’ve had for a while in terms of delivering corporate-wide communications,” he continued. “We have just started utilising Teams and other tools that assist with increasing internal communication that weren’t available on-premises.”
The City of Adelaide was also pleased with the support they received from AvePoint throughout their IT modernisation and migration.
“We’ve had a great experience. They were very timely with responses and very patient with us. I can’t speak highly enough of the experience as a whole,” said Anthony.