How End-to-End Information Management Promotes Effective Collaboration and Reduces Risk

Post Date: 09/30/2015
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We live in an age where collaborating better and innovating faster aren’t considered luxuries for organizations – they’re necessities to stay relevant and thrive in our disrupted marketplace. Whether you’re at a Fortune 500 bank, startup, federal agency, or local city council, there is likely an overwhelming demand on you to streamline operational processes, do more with less, and embrace the new digital workplace in all facets of the organization.

Often, this demand is pointed directly at IT – which faces immense pressure to make information available faster and easier than ever before. From collaboration platforms like SharePoint to enterprise social networks like Yammer or digital communication platforms like Skype for Business, there are no shortage of ways to better connect employees, boost collaboration, and propel the flow of information throughout the business.

However, the paradox is that while collaboration and information sharing are now easier than ever before, the risk of doing so only continues to grow. You only need to take a look at the nightly news and the stories of the latest data breaches – the majority of which are caused by internal sources, according to Forrester – to see this is true. Those same IT departments are facing a great deal of pain when it comes to protecting their sensitive data, and the cost of not doing so is enormous. This conflict of needing to make information available faster while protecting it from loss or getting into the wrong hands is only resolved by effective information management at all ends of the organization.

As I travel around the world and continue to meet with customers, partners, and Microsoft executives, the need for end-to-end information management solutions is resounding. This need isn’t unique to verticals or regions – or even public or private sectors – but can be seen in organizations of all sizes worldwide. Fortunately, AvePoint’s integrated solution set, history, and deep understanding of the enterprise collaboration space makes us better suited than anyone else to provide these solutions – which go beyond point solutions to provide complete information management from cradle to grave.

With AvePoint Office Connect, for instance, we help ingest content from popular applications like Outlook and Office directly into SharePoint – promoting sustainable adoption and user change management while making the user more productive on the tools with which they are already familiar. But the story doesn’t stop there for us. Our solutions enable the customer to auto-classify, tag, govern, monitor, and report on usage as information content moves through systems across the organization. Not only can content be seamlessly shared both internally and securely shared externally – on premises, in the cloud, and across mobile devices – our solutions can also redact and quarantine content in real time as information management policies evolve over time. Based on an organization’s specific needs, we can identify sensitive content that violates internal policies or external regulations and intercept it to prevent a breach from ever occurring. To see how we’re automating data classification and discovery while simplifying incident management across systems through a unified platform, see our latest release of AvePoint Compliance Guardian, which was launched just this week.

From the smallest shops to the largest enterprises, we have the holistic solutions in place and the history to back up this complete information management story. You can hear this from the 14,000 organizations and 3 million Office 365 users, who are now collaborating far more effectively than ever before by relying on our experience and breadth of solutions to not only make technology adoption easier, but gain peace of mind that information is classified, secure, and only shared with the right people. In this era of major IT disruption, it is our mission to help them confront their information management needs both today as well as the future and support them throughout that journey every step of the way.


As AvePoint’s Chief Executive Officer, as well as a member of the Board of Directors, Dr. Tianyi Jiang (TJ) is responsible for the overall strategy and direction of AvePoint, which includes product innovation, investor relations, and business development. He is focused on delivering value to customers, partners, shareholders, and the AvePoint team, every day.

TJ was named 2023 CEO of the Year, in the Information Technology Products or Services category by the Globee Awards and is a recipient of Ernst & Young’s 2010 Entrepreneur of the Year award in New Jersey. He received both B.S. and master’s in electrical and computer engineering from Cornell University, and a Master of Philosophy and PhD in Data Mining from Department of Information Systems, Operations Management, and Statistics, Stern School of Business, New York University.

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