End Unproductive Meetings with AvePoint Meetings 3 Service Pack 1 for Microsoft SharePoint

Post Date: 07/08/2014
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When SharePoint 2013 Server was announced, everyone in the SharePoint community came together to learn about all of the exciting new features, find out what hanged, and also find out what functionality would not be included in the new version of the platform. Amidst the excitement about the cloud, Yammer, and the radical new future for SharePoint forms was the deprecation of the SharePoint Meetings Workspace. For some organizations, Meetings Workspace was underutilized or unheard of. For others, it was an important tool for collaboration. Meetings Workspace coordinated document, team, agenda, and theme management for projects. One of the stand-out features was the ability to create and coordinate meetings within a workspace with direct integration with the Outlook client. Some organizations used thousands of these workspaces, making the retirement of the feature a tough pill to swallow. A New Type of Meeting Last year, we released the AvePoint Meetings app for SharePoint to allow business users to simplify everyday meetings in the enterprise and control the chaos often inherent within them. Available for both Office 365 and on-premises SharePoint deployments, Meetings helps simplify meeting management and end the culture of mundane, unproductive meetings by allowing users to collaborate with one another in real-time before, during, and after meetings. The app was immediate hit with customers, and it was selected as a finalist for the Microsoft Office and SharePoint App Developer Partner of the Year Award in both 2013 and 2014. [caption id="attachment_3459" align="alignnone" width="645"]AvePoint Meetings Screenshot AvePoint Meetings helps simplify meeting management with SharePoint.[/caption] Today, we are proud to announce the release of AvePoint Meetings 3 Service Pack (SP) 1. We have listened to customer feedback on the app and have some exciting new features and enhancements to share, including: 1.       Microsoft Outlook Integration Share meetings created through AvePoint Meetings instantaneously to attendees through Outlook to effectively integrate the application into your organization’s existing systems. You can also make adjustments to your existing meeting directly from the Outlook client. [caption id="attachment_3460" align="alignnone" width="623"]AvePoint Meetings Outlook integration screenshot AvePoint Meetings now features integration with Microsoft Outlook.[/caption] 2.       Rich Text Editor New text editing features – such as bold, underline, and bulleting formats – provide the look and feel of familiar editing programs, allowing users to better emphasize specific notes and action items for meeting participants. [caption id="attachment_3461" align="alignnone" width="623"]AvePoint Meetings rich text editor screenshot AvePoint Meetings now features a rich text editor.[/caption] 3.       Export Minutes as a PDF and Attachments Meetings enables you to track meeting minutes with full auditing capabilities, allowing for historical searches of minutes. You can now keep a record of what was discussed and easily distribute the document by exporting it as a PDF and automatically sending it as an attachment to all relevant parties. [caption id="attachment_3462" align="alignnone" width="631"]AvePoint Meetings PDF export screenshot Meeting minutes created through AvePoint Meetings can now be exported as a PDF and shared with relevant parties.[/caption] 4.       Global Support Meetings is now available in English, Japanese, and German languages and backed by 24/7 support for global organizations. 5.       Performance Meetings has been optimized to support hundreds of deployments across a tenant with thousands of objects being interacted with simultaneously, ensuring the app move swiftly to keep up with the fast pace of your meetings. Ready to try Meetings today? Download it from the Office 365 store or contact our sales team for more details on the on-premises version.

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