Free Webinar


Cloud backup is not a simple black or white decision –different approaches and platforms can have a dramatic impact on your backup and restore capabilities.

AvePoint Product Strategy VP John Hodges will break down the core areas you need to think about when evaluating cloud backup strategies so you can avoid the most common mistakes by:

Understanding the true cost of service:

Your decision on whether to invest in a new cloud-to-cloud backup platform or extend your on-premise server backup software solution will impact the amount of time and resources dedicated towards infrastructure, configuration and on-going maintenance.

Doomsday prepping:

Native Office 365 backup is geared towards compliance and legal requirements as well as large-scale disasters, but is it sufficient for restoring your content even when access to the original users, Teams, or Office 365 environment is cut off? We’ll talk through scenarios of recovering from Ransomware, lost users, and mergers / divestitures.

Covering your (S)ass:

Understand the difference between backing up files and backing up Office 365 content to ensure you can respond to all levels of user requests. We’ll tell you stories (including some embarrassing ones of our own) regarding the different types of user requests we’ve heard. We’ll also evaluate the value and importance of backing up Office 365 permissions, metadata, and SharePoint site settings.

Recovering Advanced Office 365 Workloads:

See why you may want to backup advanced Office 365 workloads such as Nintex workflows, design elements, Project Online, or the interconnected applications in Office 365 Groups and what recovery scenarios are currently possible in the Microsoft Cloud.

Avoiding the Administrative Burden:

Discovery and registration of non-user centric data, dealing with role changes, and keeping up with new content can be painful. We’ll learn how to avoid having to manually register new content and monitor the activity of administrators, as well as talk about ways to lighten the administrative burden of managing cloud backups.


John Hodges Headshot

John Hodges

Vice President of Product Strategy, AvePoint

John is Vice President of Product Strategy at AvePoint, focusing on developing compliance solutions that address modern data privacy, classification, and data protection needs for organizations worldwide. John has been actively engaged in the SharePoint community for several years, working with many Fortune 500 companies to drive sustainable adoption of Microsoft technology and optimize SharePoint’s larger purpose-built implementations. John’s insights and opinions on modern Information Technology can be found in various industry publications, as well as throughout this numerous speaking sessions in webinars and at events worldwide.