AvePoint Intern (Not So) Confidential: Week Six

Post Date: 07/13/2012
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Another week is complete, and I'm getting even closer to the end of my internship program here at AvePoint. I have experienced so many great things in such a short period of time that it’s hard to compress those moments into a few hundred words. Not only have I been steadily gaining experience when it comes to AvePoint and its product offerings, but I have also been familiarizing myself with the people who work hard to bring this company into the forefront as a global software leader. In the interest of team building, I was the winner of a scavenger hunt we had in the office a couple of weeks ago. As my reward, I had the distinct pleasure of having lunch with Dr. Tianyi (TJ) Jiang, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of AvePoint, along with scavenger hunt runner-up Deonne Francisco, Marketing Operations Intern. I was so fascinated to hear about the journey Dr. Jiang has taken in order to get to the position he is in now. If there is one thing I learned from meeting him, it was that determination and ambition are the keys to achieving your goals. Deonne and I were so inspired by the end of our lunch, that it motivated us to work even harder now. This meeting also proved that AvePoint isn’t your average company. Being given the chance to meet with a company's Co-CEO is a rare thing, so I really appreciate how at AvePoint, any activity can be an opportunity to shine. The week rounded off with a company bowling field trip. I was able to meet new co-workers, as well as participate in some more friendly competition. The combination of bowling, laughter, and snacks is the perfect recipe for a great time. We got along great and the casual atmosphere was a nice way to continue informal team-building activities.

Sadly, I only have a few more blogs left to write for AvePoint. Hopefully I’ve been able to entertain my readers these last few weeks. As always, stay tuned for more!

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