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More insightful & logical

Tap into the wealth of user activity, content, and storage data collected by the Microsoft Office Graph to know the who, what, and where of your Microsoft 365 deployment. Get insights, so you can better empower users and surface content that helps drive adoption and usage.

Identify critical content

Understand which content is relevant and resonating. Find where the top content lives, and which documents are most active.

Discover subject experts

Identify power users, including top content consumers, contributors, and authors by site or across the entire deployment.

Drive site traffic

Optimize content and navigation by tracking how users access 365 sites and collections, where they go, and traffic flow.

Simple, shareable reports

See user activity, content popularity, storage trends, and more from Office Graph via Power BI’s interactive dashboards.

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Cloud Insights for Office 365

Intelligent, actionable insights

Easy-to-use Power BI dashboards give administrators and content owners access to the intelligence they need to make more informed resource allocation arrangements and data management decisions.

Assess content

Understand where, when, and which content is most active by tracking its download, edit, view, delete, and access.

Analyze storage

View trends in content growth, like how much storage is used by which types of files in a site or site collection.

Monitor usage

Discover who your top content consumers, contributors, and authors are by site, or across your entire deployment.

Site analytics

Find out how users access sites, and which sites have the most activity based on source and site’s traffic flow.

Actionable sharing

Surface the most actively shared files and see who shares most often.

End-user web part

Site owners and end users can gain valuable content usage, user activity, and site insight directly from Microsoft 365.


Gut feelings aren't always correct.

Get the inside scoop on your content with Cloud Insights